Ann M. Evans CV 161017-annmevans-cv
Ann Evans is a nationally known consumer advocate for fresh, clean food in the fields, stores, on the table and in the school lunch room. She is a food focused writer and columnist, and presides over her own garden, bees, chickens and kitchen glass pantry as an avid canner and food preserver.
Over the past 40 years Ann has cofounded building blocks of a regional food system in northern California’s garden basket – Yolo County. She is cofounder of the Davis Food Co-op and the Davis Farmers Market and coauthor of the “Davis Farmers Market Cookbook” (2012). From 2005-2015 she was a partner with Georgeanne Brennan in Evans & Brennan, LLC which worked to put fresh, regional foods on to school lunch plates, and to develop regional food economies. Their blog was Who’s Cooking School Lunch.
An author and frequent speaker, she is a columnist and has written numerous handbooks on school food, school gardens, and food cooperatives. Through Evans & Brennan, she helped launch the first Yolo County Agricultural Marketing Initiative – which identified and brought together diverse sectors of the food and agricultural community in that powerhouse agricultural county to reimagine the county as a destination for food and wine.
She cofounded one of the nation’s first Farm to School programs in 2000, Davis Farm to School Connection, which is funded in part through the nation’s first community supported parcel tax dedicated in part to school food.
A former Mayor of Davis, state legislative and California Department of Education employee, Ann holds a degree in Consumer Food Science from the University of California, Davis and is a member of Les Dames d’ Escoffier San Francisco and Sacramento Chapters. She is the 2012 Alumna of the Year for the UCD College of Agriculture and Environmental Science and the 2013 winner of the coveted Covell Award, Davis Citizen of the Year.
Ann lives in Davis with her husband amidst an edible landscape from which she draws inspiration, literally, and has a collection of seasonal notecards available for purchase.